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PTP Perspective
Tim Bronsil
Aug 6, 20243 min read
Why do companies that have digital teams use Point-To-Point Marketing?
SocialBounce helps companies create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with individual preferences.
Tim Bronsil
Sep 12, 20233 min read
What Makes a Best Friend?
How radio shows can develop a bond with listeners in a sea of audio choices all vying to be their best friend.
Tim Bronsil
Jul 18, 20233 min read
Losing The Family Farm: Farewell All Access
Wow, what an interesting week it has been since the announcement that will close their doors on August 15th. Since last...
Tim Bronsil
Jun 20, 20237 min read
State of the Art Then…State of the Art Now
This week, Point-To-Point Marketing celebrates its 25th anniversary. Formed during the summer of 1998 by Mark Heiden and Rick Torcasso,...
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