Deploying social media tools is not a matter of “out with the old in with the new.” It’s more about using the right tool to do the marketing job.

SocialBounce specializes in crafting a radio station’s message with attention to matching the appropriate social media outlet to maximize responses in order to:
Build brand awareness
Induce interest to the brand
Convert the listener to the brand or trigger tune-ins
In less than a decade, Twitter has turned short messages and videos into marketing must-haves for news and entertainment outlets. Facebook now connects billions of people around the world. And, the blue check-marked social media content creators even have a new identity that also can be used to generate social currency or real income.
Point to Point Marketing’s Vice President of Digital, Tim Satterfield says that social media is not a replacement for traditional marketing tools like direct mail campaigns, billboards and digital displays on web pages. It is simply a “must use” tool.
Cookie Cutter Strategies Won't Work
So, how does a radio outlet best use social media to augment its’ audience? As you might expect, there is no cookie cutter solution applicable to all stations. The most effective plans are customized to each outlet. The key is knowing the station and their target audience prior to creating a customized, focused plan to increase tune-ins.
In terms of social media networks, each has a slightly different ability to connecting with the target audience. Satterfield notes, “Instagram is more image oriented, Facebook is video-centric, and Twitter can be more succinct and immediate.” He added, “While the same basic message can be sent to each network, a different tone can be achieved by optimizing the unique elements for each network.”
Check Your Inbox And Your Mailbox
Questioning whether or not social media has pushed direct mail marketing aside, Satterfield says without hesitation, “No – digital marketing is not a replacement for direct mail.” Adding, “There is still great value in placing a direct mail message to the hands of a targeted listener.”
Broadcast Personalities Are Already Trusted By Consumers
Social media campaigns also make efficient use of a station’s personalities. According to Satterfield, 90-95% of the time SocialBounce suggests having a station’s talent deliver the message via social media. The broadcast personalities, already trusted by the consumer, are elevated to media influencers increasing the impact of the marketing message.
Satterfield also stressed the reach social media marketing offers beyond a station’s organic fans. “SocialBounce targets people outside the already established l with 85-90% of ad delivery to potential new listeners.
Deploying social media tools is not a matter of “out with the old in with the new.” It’s more about using the right tool to do the marketing job. In the case of social media, the tool can be more like a Swiss Army Knife.